Thursday, May 17, 2012

Food and Beverage Management @ Universidad Fernando Noveno

 Food and Beverage Management


Food and Beverage Trends: What

are people eating and why?

To be successful, food service managers need to be aware

of what the current food and beverage trends are and what

global issues will likely impact them in the future.

This session will provide an overview of current food and

beverage trends, discuss some of the global issues that

may influence these trends in the future, use hands-on

experiments to teach how to evaluate consumer's food

preferences, and discuss today's top ten global trends in

food and beverage offerings.


Concessions Operations


Concessions, properly managed, can contribute significantly

to revenue gained from functions such as sporting events,

conventions, or other types of occasions and venues. This

session will cover principles and practices of concessions

operations management, and include discussions of product

selection, logistics and supply considerations, inventory

management, financial analysis, cash control, and human

resource considerations.

Topics discussed will include selecting products with

appropriate margins which appeal to the targeted market,

managing the logistical demands of a specific type of

concession operation, establishing inventory standards

and controlling inventory, controlling the use of labor,

establishing and maintaining time standards for customer

service, establishing an effective cash control procedure,

and handling cash.


Culture and Cuisine

In today's global environment, it is crucial for those working

in the hospitality industry to have an understanding and

appreciation of the significance of culture on travelers' food

preferences. It is also important to have an understanding

of cultural variances in meal service expectations and

manners associated with dining. This session briefly reviews

the history of foods in the world and the "flow" of food

products over time. It introduces participants to various

food preparation techniques associated with common foods,

as well as different seasonings and flavors reflective of

world cultures. Service expectations of diners from varied

cultural backgrounds are discussed, along with the respective

manners and characteristics associated with international

dining. Finally, we examine today's globalization of the

food supply, including the impact of globalization on the

agricultural environment and the foods now consumed by

multiple cultures.

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